# (decoded with TMPL 139) Cargo: 2000 Shield: 4000 Acceleration: 500 Speed: 500 Turn (/30): 4 Jumps (/100): 10000 Weapon Space: 3000 Armor: 5000 Shield Recharge Rate: 1 wëap #1: 187 wëap #2: 188 wëap #3: 0 wëap #4: 0 Qty W#1: 5 Qty W#2: 5 Qty W#3: 0 Qty W#4: 0 Ammo W#1: 0 Ammo W#2: 0 Ammo W#3: 0 Ammo W#4: 0 Max Guns: 100 Max Turrets: 100 Availability: 9999 Price of Ship: 100000000 Death Delay: 120 Turret Pos: 1 Turret Pos: 1 Turret Pos: 1 Turret Pos: 1 Mass of Ship: 500 Length of Ship: 460 AI Level: 1 Crew Size: 2 Mission Link (Bit No): -1 gövt: -1